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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta water. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 2 de abril de 2018

Why wet sanitation is washed up, while dry is high and dry

The Shitty State of Human Sanitation
(Part 1: The Problem, originally published in 2013 in Estoy traduciéndolo al español.)

For Chekhovs Kalashnikovs very first interview on Change Makers, we will be talking with Chris Canaday, a biologist from California, about the broken and dangerous state of human and water sanitation systems and the solution to this problem that is damaging our environment and health.

I think that, before we talk about this revolutionary sanitation system, it is important to touch on why the current system is broken. Can you elaborate on how the contemporary western toilet came into being and the devastating effect that it has had on the environment and our health?

People in Europe used to live in total filth in their cities, throwing their excrement out the window. Porcelain flush toilets had been worked on for some time, but only in 1861, after her husband had died of fecally transmitted typhoid, Queen Victoria ordered flush toilets to be refined and installed in much of Britain.

It is also reported that she was so obese that she had trouble squatting and someone decided that it was not dignified for the queen to squat. They gave her a new porcelain throne and then, via mass psychology, all the Western World has wanted the same thing as the queen of England, even if it is not good for them or their environment.

The modern flush toilet has contributed greatly to the cleanliness of cities, but has not really solved the problem, just moved it farther away. Water always gets recycled and there are always more people living downstream. Developed countries spend millions and probably billions of dollars trying to clean up their wastewater, but never really succeed.

The modern flush toilet is largely based on the concept of “out of sight, out of mind”. It is also a prime example of selfishness: cleaning up the environment close to the user, while contaminating everyone’s general environment. 
It is interesting to note that at the same time that Water Closets were being developed, Earth Closets were, too. There was even one reportedly used in Buckingham Palace for a while. Over time, Water Closets won out as the standard for Modern Western Society, likely due to their ease of use and maintenance, as long as piped water comes to the house and sewage goes away.

Another key way in which the current, water-based sanitation system is “broken” is that it is based on the illogical, unsustainable and linear concept that natural resources should be used once and then thrown away. Flush toilets not only throw away huge amounts of water, but also all the nutrients found in the excrement.

With a simple push of a lever, we effectively deplete our agricultural soils and contribute to the eutrophication of rivers, lakes and oceans and, in them, the formation of hypoxic dead zones.
 If these nutrients were instead given back properly to the soil (and if the population were stable), we could forget about the non-renewable, unsustainable chemical fertilizers that are currently the basis of Modern Western Society’s food production. Those who learn to recycle these nutrients in an orderly way now will have every advantage in the future when these chemicals run out, and when there are possibly 9 billion people on Planet Earth, all wanting to eat.

Water is so essential and vital that we simply cannot live without it. Nonetheless, modern homes in developed countries dump between 25 and 40% of their water down the toilet, and the number engineers use in Ecuador is closer to 75%, given the high incidence of unmaintained toilets through which water flows constantly. We need to promote a culture of respect for water, as a source of life, which should never be treated as a garbage dump.

If these are not enough reasons to consider the current water-based toilet to be broken, obsolete and illogical, please consider the following unreliable, unhygienic and not-so-easy aspects of flush toilets:
  • They often need to be scrubbed after each use, if they are going to be presentable.
  • They frequently need to be flushed more than once for everything to go away.
  • They occasionally get plugged and need to be cleared with a plunger, with sewage splashing or overflowing out.
  • They make so much noise that everyone in the building can hear when they get flushed.
  • The great turbulence of flushing creates a plume of microscopic, fecally contaminated water droplets that then land on everything in the bathroom, including the toothbrushes.
In the interest of full disclosure, flush toilets can be somewhat ecologically and socially sustainable in places where water is abundant, human settlement is dispersed, and the soil is absorbent, such that septic tanks (for settling out the solids) and leach lines (= drain fields; for allowing the contaminated water to absorb into the soil) can work properly, at more than 16 meters from wells or streams, and if the septic tank sludge is treated in reedbeds. 

Constructed wetlands are also important tools for treating wastewater, but they require a fair amount of land. On top of this, who knows how far all the different modern synthetic chemicals can travel in the water and the soil? So, in summary, it is most prudent to not mix our excrement in water from the beginning, especially if we have large numbers of people grouped together in a city.

So the reason Colon Cancer is skyrocketing in the Western World today is because we aren’t completely clearing our bowels, thanks to a custom-made invention for a morbidly obese queen?

Yes, and not just colon cancer, but also constipation and hemorrhoids. The natural position human beings have used when defecating, over millions of years, since before we were people, has always been squatting. In this position, the outlet is straight and the body can eliminate its waste more easily, efficiently and completely. When sitting, the outlet is not straight, certain muscles contradict each other, one needs to push more, and not all of the feces come out, so there is more constipation, hemorrhoids, and the colon never gets a rest from being in contact with festering feces, causing a greater incidence of colon cancer).

Squatting has the added advantage that it is more hygienic, especially with respect to women, since the user’s private parts do not touch anything. (Most women apparently never actually sit on a public toilet, but actually sort of hover above, which is much more uncomfortable than squatting all the way down.) Also, the squatting position is more accessible and intuitive for little children, since the floor is the same height for everyone, while a toilet bowl made for adults is much too big, uncomfortable and unsafe for them. Furthermore, in Urine-diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs), the squatting position allows for a more certain separation of the urine and the feces, plus it is easier and cheaper to build.

In Ecuador, where does all the sanitation waste go? How much water is used and what effect does this have on the environment?


Almost all of Ecuadorian cities’ wastewater goes straight into rivers or bays, except for Cuenca, Shushufindi, and a few other cases where wastewater treatment is done.

The amount of water is huge and the excrement’s nutrients fertilize algae that end up dying and thus consuming the available oxygen in the water, creating the eutrophication and hypoxic zones mentioned above. But the biggest threat is that of pathogens in the water, which are responsible for the majority of disease in the world.

Many people have daily contact with rivers, for bathing, washing clothes or drinking, even only minutes after others have defecated in it, so it is obvious how disease can proliferate. Need more proof? Check out this:

Human Sanitation in Bumbay, India

I can just imagine the collective shit and piss from the hundreds of thousands of people living in Ecuadorian cities like Coca, Tena, and Puyo flowing into these Amazonian Rivers. What I find scary however is that this problem is not confined to Ecuador or even the South American Amazon but is worldwide.
What happens to communities that live on river banks, lakes, and areas prone to flooding with respect to worms, bacteria, and water-bourne diseases, like cholera that can be prevented with this system?

Yes, it is a discomforting thought, but the volume of shit is actually much greater if we remember that the millions of people who live in certain Andean cities in Ecuador, including Latacunga, Ambato, Riobamba, Cuenca, and Loja, also dump their waste into Amazonian rivers. Unfortunately, as you say, this situation is all too common in the world, where 90% of wastewater goes into the environment without proper treatment.

Even in countries like the United States, where things are presumably all under control, there are thousands of “sanitary accidents” every year, in which untreated sewage goes straight into the environment.

There are also numerous pharmaceuticals that cannot be removed from the water via conventional methods, such as antibiotics, antidepressives, and artificial hormones from birth control pills.

In addition, the current system of trying to kill the germs in the water with chemicals in one city, and the next downstream, and the next downstream, is a recipe for these germs to get resistant to these chemicals, especially if at the same time people are drinking and bathing in other peoples antibiotics. This has generated multiresistant strains of microbes that we cannot kill with chemicals to heal the people who get sick with them , nor can we be sure to disinfect a swimming pool even by adding chlorine.

In terms of health, the worst thing about flooding is that everyone is in everyone else’s shit.
This is an even bigger problem on the coast of Ecuador, where huge areas get flooded, with millions of people being affected, and it is getting worse with Global Climate Disruption. Urine-diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs), on the other hand, can simply be built above the highest level of the flood waters.


One of the scariest results of all this fecal contamination, aside from diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, poliomyelitis, hepatitis, and other microbial diseases, is the high incidence of roundworms of the genus Ascaris, which infect about one-seventh of the world human population . There is a reason that the word for disgust in Spanish, “asco”, is so similar:
  • These can be almost as thick as a pencil and up to 40 cm long.
  • When babies are deparasitized, their diapers sometimes look like plates of noodles.
  • Adult female roundworms produce 200,000 eggs per day and these can be viable in shaded, moist soil for years.
  • The eggs do not just get swallowed and develop into adults in the intestines. Instead, they have intermediate stages that navigate in the host’s bloodstream, throughout the body. Eventually, they come out into the alveoli of the lungs, get coughed up and swallowed, and only then become adults.
  • Roundworm infection is a big factor in many children doing poorly in school, since the worms consume so much of their food that little is left for the kids’ brains.
In Part 2 of this article Chris Canaday will tell us about the solution to human waste disposal and how it will solve much of the planets sustainability problems.
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The Shitty State of Human Sanitation
(Part 2: The Solution, originally published in 2013 at

water-sanitationIn Part 2 of this interview about human waste disposal and water sanitation Chris tells us the solution to all of the problems mentioned in Part 1: The Problem.

How did the new design for a sustainable human waste disposal system come into being?

In the 1950s, before the regrettable Vietnam War, a team of Vietnamese doctors analyzed why so many people were sick and how to control this. They found a great number of people were collecting “night soil” in buckets that were emptied in the morning directly in agricultural fields, where people worked largely barefoot.

The doctors realized that 90% of the fertilizer is in the urine that transmits no disease when dispersed in the soil, while essentially all the health risk is packaged with only 10% of the fertilizer in the feces. The answer was to keep the urine separate and set it free on the soil immediately, while jailing up the shit, until it is not shit any more.
Mr Shit and Ms Piss in English
In their case, they applied a detention time of three months, plus they added wood ash. This team that invented Urine-diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs) was apparently anonymous, although it would be good for credit to go where credit is due, and to know more about the process.

UDDTs were later picked up by the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden, as a solution for the abundant cabins out in the Swedish woods, where running water is not feasible in the winter due to freezing, but they would never accept that their many beautiful lakes get contaminated.
They also actively promote these as a means to improve the health and sanitation of billions of people in the world.

I also suspect that certain ancient cultures had UDDTs, in particular the densely populated Amazonian peoples that made Terra Preta do Indio (Indian’s Black Soil, in Portuguese), until they were apparently decimated by Old World diseases soon after the arrival of Europeans.

No one knows yet exactly how they made these deep, dark, rich, long-lasting, productive soils, in the midst of extremely poor, highly weathered, clayey Amazonian lands, but I highly doubt that they were wasting the nutrients in their feces while they were doing so.
 ”Documentary: The Secret of El Dorado”

improved sanitation system 
Can you explain how the design for this human waste disposal system works?

It is very simple and seeks to follow the natural order of things. The urine and feces that the body excretes separately are kept separate, to be dealt with separately, since they are totally different things.

The urine is caught in a funnel toward the front, since both men and women pee forward, and it goes back to the soil and the plants, where it transmits no diseases. (A bit of the urine from women may drip farther back, but this small amount is not a problem.)

Urine is normally sterile and there are only a handful of weird diseases that it ever transmits, plus for that to happen it has to go into rivers or contact the next person directly. The various microbes of urinary tract infections and vaginal infections either get destroyed rapidly in the soil or are natural inhabitants of the soil anyway. Many of these come from the gut, but here they are in much smaller numbers and are highly diluted, as compared to in the feces.

In addition, sexually transmitted diseases cannot live outside of the body any significant amount of time.
Sit Right

Feces drop farther back, directly into alternately used chambers or exchangeable receptacles and are covered immediately with dry cover material, such as soil, wood ash, sawdust, rice hulls, or a mix of these. They are then stored, protected from the rain, for at least six months in tropical countries or a year in temperate countries, so that all the disease organisms die and it all just becomes soil.

In fact, all the worst diseases, like cholera, diarrhea and typhoid, are wiped out in a much shorter time and the guideline of six months or a year is so that intestinal worm eggs, which are the most resistant pathogens but are much less life-threatening, are also eliminated. Most victims of these worms do not even know that they have them.

Shit is a temporary condition. After its jail sentence, it’s no longer shit: we open the chambers or receptacles and find dark, humus-rich soil, with no smell or health risk.
UDD-dry-toiletThis stands to reason, since our pathogens are adapted to living in water without oxygen inside our guts, not in a pile of dry material, especially if there is soil in the pile, with all of its bacteria, fungus, protozoans and invertebrates.

These soil organisms are entirely at home in such a pile, where they eat and rip up anything that is over-abundant or out of place.

After this jail sentence, we can also apply secondary treatments involving heat, sun, earthworms or composting together with food scraps (especially thermophilic composting), for extra peace of mind or to speed things up.

We can build UDDTs for sitting or for squatting. In addition to all the health benefits mentioned above for squatting, this also allows for better separation of the urine and easier, less expensive construction.

Modern Western People tend to suffer from a psychological disease called fecophobia, which is an irrational fear of feces. Shit is a normal part of life and there is no disease in it that the user did not have from before, so, if the person is healthy, there is no health risk in his or her shit, only an unpleasant smell to be controlled and nutrients to be taken advantage of. If the user is sick, their pathogens get destroyed in the UDDT, as long as it is being managed properly.
dry-toilet-sanitationThere can be a health risk if, in a multi-family system, some of the users are sick and they are not using their UDDTs properly, such that some of their feces get mixed into the urine, but this can be controlled by storing the urine for a number of months (depending on the climate) or distributing it below the surface of the soil, where no one will have contact with it. The greatest health risk occurs when we do not think rationally about this and do the irrational act of throwing it in the river, where others can have contact immediately.

UDDTs are literally a matter of loving and trusting Mother Earth, in which we respectfully give back that which we no longer need, to let her deal with it. If we turn back the clock on shit, we find delicious food on the table. If we turn back the clock again (twice in the case of meat), we find beautiful plants growing in the sunlight. One more click and we see rich soil, so what is to keep it from becoming soil again, if we turn the dial forward again?

(Some commercial models do not use cover material, but rather have electric fans to make sure the air is always going away from the user. One of these is the Ecodomeo, which has a pedal-operated conveyor belt that carries the shit away)

The design has changed very little since the 1950’s. Have you made any modifications to make it better suit the Ecuadorian Andes and Amazon?

My line of work has been aimed at making UDDTs as easy and inexpensive to build as possible, while keeping user acceptance high.

In other words, my goal is for the building of a good dry toilet to be more a matter of a paradigm shift than a big capital investment. For this reason, I have found ways to build with readily available materials, especially since factory-made units are mostly not available in Ecuador.

One of the biggest changes I made from the start was to distribute the urine immediately via perforated hoses in the soil, instead of storing the urine in jugs, to later dilute and apply it as fertilizer among crop plants.

Organic farmers looking for every bit of natural fertilizer for their plants might be willing to do the latter, but the average user will not want to deal with smelly, fermenting urine every few days. In most of my designs, these hoses are buried 10 cm below the surface of the soil, among productive plants, like fruit trees, that can put the nutrients to good use.

In the interest of making UDDTs accessible to everyone, I published a paper in the Austrian online magazine, Sustainable Sanitation Practice, on Simple UDDTs that may be built with recycled and other readily available materials, such as disposable plastic bottles and wood: Some of the models shown here cost close to nothing.

Another surprising innovation is the storage of feces in the ubiquitous, woven, polypropylene plastic sacks used to sell rice, flour and many other products. These make excellent receptacles for this use, since humidity can evaporate out and oxygen can filter in, but flies, smells and pathogens cannot get in or out.

At first glance, people would imagine liquids oozing out, but they never do, thanks to the dry and absorbent cover material. Also, these sacks last for years and years, if they are not exposed to the sun’s UV rays. One of the biggest advantages of using interchangeable containers, like sacks, is that, at the first sign of  any problems with smell or flies, you can simply change the container and the problem is resolved immediately. Another is that the feces get covered better in a small container, as compared to a big chamber.

One of the most practical ways to use these sacks is to place them as liners of plastic bins, so the sacks are held open nicely and it is easy to change them. It is also good to make holes in the bottom of the bin, and have it propped up off the ground, to allow humidity to evaporate out and for oxygen to get in, since all the worst smells associated with latrines and sewer lines are generated by bacteria that live in the absence of oxygen.

Even more surprising for many, I have found that the finished compost from this system is the best material to cover new shit. Many of the right soil microbes are still there, likely in an inactive state (like fungal spores and bacterial endospores), ready to jump back into action when there is more shit (with its moisture) to have a party in.

In this way, natural selection and the rapid evolution of microbes are working in our favor, helping them get more efficient at breaking down exactly our shit, in exactly the conditions we keep them in. In contrast, the system of water-based toilets and trying to kill the germs in a short time with chemicals is a recipe for evolution to produce microbes that are more and more resistant to the chemicals used and that are potentially more and more virulent in disease

This recycling of cover material makes the operation of UDDTs much more practical and inexpensive, especially in cities and isolated locations, since new cover material does not need to be acquired and transported constantly, nor does much of the finished compost need to trucked away. That which does have to go would not have to go very far, if neighbors, nearby neighborhoods or nearby cities sign up for UDDTs or if urban agriculture is being done.
Another good reason to use the finished compost as cover material is that it filters odors much more efficiently than most other materials, removing and breaking down up to 99% of volatile organic compounds.

It has also been shown to eliminate 75% of the reduced sulfur compound emissions that most contribute to the characteristic aroma of shit in a laboratory study of conditions similar to those of commercial composting operations (Büyüksönmez et al. 2012, ), and up to 97% of the stench from landfills (Hurst et al. 2005)

There have been a couple of isolated cases of dogs or rats being attracted by the odor and messing with the sack that is receiving the feces, but only when sawdust was being used a cover material, not when finished compost was being used (and this is another reason for the plastic bin mentioned above).

Hygiene Hypothesis of Disease
Furthermore, there is research showing that children who grow up in overly clean and disinfected homes, without contact with soil, have a much higher incidence of asthma and allergies, since their immune systems do not have anything to train on.

  family with better sanitation
So, having soil-like decomposed feces in the bathroom as cover material may well be a health benefit, instead of a health risk like one might suspect, as long as we are certain that the actual pathogens have died during its storage or treatment.

Humans evolved in complete ecosystems, including all the normal microbes, not in sterilized boxes, so it would make sense that bringing more parts of the ecosystem into the city would make it healthier for people.

This is all the more reason to build green, living roofs and vertical gardens on urban apartment buildings (and I have figured out how to do this with disposable Coke bottles).

At the moment, you are working with Achuar communities to implement this system. Has it been difficult to explain the environmental and health benefits of this system? What are some of the problems and breakthroughs you have had?

Changing anyone’s toilet habits is an imminently cultural endeavor and it is usually an uphill battle. People need to understand the concept, but, almost more importantly, they need to see and smell that UDDTs work.

I have built UDDTs with a variety of ethnic groups here in Ecuador, including mestizos, Kichwa, Shuar, Achuar, Waorani, and a little bit among the Secoyas. Of these, the Achuar have, so far, shown the greatest degree of acceptance. They are culturally very hygienic and traditionally live in houses scattered widely out in the forest, so they always had lots of forest to hygienically deposit their feces into. They covered them with soil and leaves, where the ecosystem absorbs them, without anyone else having contact with them.

The Achuar have only had permanent contact with white people starting in about 1970, when schools and landing strips began to be built and they started settling fairly densely around these.
It is also worth remembering that all the worst diseases were brought by the Europeans and it is estimated that 90% of the indigenous people in America died of those diseases when Europeans first came to America.

I think that potentially the Achuar have been quite concerned about fecal contamination for the last several decades, since they started living together in villages. Each family could be fairly certain of its own health and not so certain of that of the others, but all the children come together daily at the school and do their business behind the same trees. Also, it is a matter of privacy, since some of the villages are pretty large, with the houses fairly close to one another.

When I explain UDDTs to them, I emphasize the fact that, with open defecation in the woods, all these microbial enemies are set free, ready to attack us at any moment, whereas, with a dry toilet, these enemies are jailed up until they all die. They usually get the idea very quickly, but it is still a process to get them to build and use them, since old habits die slowly in any group of people.
In the last year and a half, we have built 31 UDDTs in 15 Achuar villages with the ACRA Foundation (of Italy) and the Chankuap Foundation (of Macas, Ecuador), with support from the European Union and the Municipality of Taisha 

Over several years, the Pachamama Foundation and I have built over 21 UDDTs in the Achuar villages of Pumpuentsa and Kurintsa, with a high degree of acceptance
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMore are being built all the time and volunteers are welcome to help with this. As I write this, the Achuar village of Juyukamentsa is organizing to build UDDTs for each of 16 families and I would like to find a volunteer to help them, especially to contribute to good replication of the design, wood preservation, and education about their proper use and maintenance.

So if the Amazonian Achuar tribe can be convinced, could your average Australian, European, or North American can be convinced as well? Can you envision a time when the whole of humanity uses this system or are our heads too far stuck up our collective asses to change our behavior for the better?

At first glance, this may seem like a system that is only applicable for hippies, organic farmers, and Indians out in the woods, but, in reality, it is a prime alternative for everyone who wants to be civilized with their neighbors, future generations, and Nature. It is also fully feasible in cities, especially if the relatively small amount of shit is stored on-site during its jail sentence and is then recycled as cover material, while the urine and excess soil is used locally in urban agriculture. (Remember the vertical gardens I mentioned?)

We can also greatly shorten the jail sentence by storing the shit in solar ovens, potentially down to less than a day of good sun, since all we need to kill fecal pathogens is 7 minutes at 70°C, 30 minutes at 65°C, 2 hours at 60°C, 15 hours at 55°C, or 3 days at 50°C. (Feacham et al. 1983 and Strauch 1991, 1998, cited by Richard Higgins)

This is also more practical than cooking lunch in a solar oven, since untimely clouds do not make us put up with hunger.

The trick is to make these toilets as easy-to-use and presentable as possible. We currently ask users to add a cup of cover material after each use, but they do not always remember to do so and they often do not aim very well, spilling it into the urine funnel and around the toilet. For this reason, mechanisms are being worked out to add the cover material mechanically, such as in one project (that I was marginally involved in) that works via a pedal:

I even have a design in mind in which the user will not have to remember to step on a pedal, nor would it involve electronic sensors.
volunteers at dry toilet Another factor is that many users will not want to deal with the shit and the piss. This can be resolved by setting up service-provider companies that come to homes and offices to change the containers, hygienically process the contents, and (optimally) put the resulting fertilizers back to work in their own agriculture.

With these companies applying the final products in agriculture themselves, this would increase the reliability that everything gets its proper treatment, while converting it back to delicious fruits and vegetables, which will be infinitely easier to market than the pee and the poop.

This nutrient recycling is logical and necessary if we want to have sustainable agriculture and food security. An adult eats a lot of food, but is not growing, so all the nutrients eventually come back out and, if we give them back to our crop plants, they have exactly what they need to make our food again (together with solar energy).

In this way, we can forget about chemical fertilizers, if we also have a stable population size. Of course, we have to eventually forget about chemical fertilizers, because they come from non-renewable sources.

Commercial ammonia and urea, for nitrogenous fertilizer, are produced with natural gas from oil wells (as a hydrogen source to combine with nitrogen from the air), and natural gas is already starting to run out, with the peak of production estimated to occur in 2020

It is even estimated that half of the protein found in present-day human beings was made with nitrogen originally fixed by this artificial process, thus being one more case of fossil fuels subsidizing economic and population growth.

Phosphorus is also a finite, non-renewable, unreplaceable resource and phosphoric rock extraction is estimated to peak around 2035, with reserves remaining mainly in Morocco after that. Peak Phosphorous is the scariest thing you’ve never heard of.

UDDTs are an important tool for combating Global Climate Disruption more CO2 absorbed by fertilizing plants and trees,more carbon sequestered into the soil by integrating organic matter,less methane emitted by avoiding anaerobic fermentation of feces in water,less need for chemical fertilizers (another big source of GHGs),less use of petroleum for pumping and treating water,less need for cement for building big sewers (since cement production is a big source of CO2.

Improved water-holding capacity of soils, in the face of droughts, easy construction above the high water line (or on a floating structure), in the face of floods,less demand for precious clean water.
dry toilet sanitation system
Many rule out the mainstreaming of these dry toilets, as they cannot imagine the masses changing their toilet habits. This sort of toilet is not for everyone, but it is for everyone who wants to build a sustainable future for their children and those who do not learn to recycle nutrients will eventually go the way of the dinosaurs.

The Chinese have been recycling nutrients into the soil for thousands of years and this is one of the reasons they have had a continuous, advanced culture for such a long time. Recycling animal and human dung is the key to sustainable farming

Of course, they have not always done so in such an organized way, but there are now more than a million modern UDDTs functioning in China

I am convinced that more people can learn to do what cats do by instinct: cover their shit with soil. Let’s keep water clean by keeping shit dirty.

Thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge! To follow Chris Canaday and his team’s work, check out these websites:

domingo, 8 de enero de 2017

Sugerencias para Saneamiento Sostenible / Suggestions for Sustainable Sanitation

Actualicé mis Sugerencias para Saneamiento Sostenible en la reconstrucción de la zona del terremoto en Ecuador ... y las traduje al inglés. Ahora tratemos de ponerlas en práctica, aquí y en el otros lugares.

I updated my Suggestions for Sustainable Sanitation for the reconstruction of the Ecuador earthquake zone ... and I translated them into English. Now let's try to put them into practice, here or wherever.

I also invite you to have a look at my comments on California's draft concerning Direct Potable Reuse (which I would call Toilet-to-Tap):

sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Ideas ecológicas para controlar la contaminación de un camal / Eco ideas to control slaughterhouse pollution

Bien. No se trata de inodoros secos, pero sigue siendo Saneamiento Ecológico, ya que aprovecha el material como recurso y se aplican procesos naturales. ¿Puede alguien, por favor, ayudarme a convencer al alcalde de Puyo y al resto del mundo?

OK. This Spanish-language document is not about dry toilets, but it still is EcoSan, since the materials are treated as resources and natural processes are applied. Can anyone, please, help me convince the mayor of Puyo and the rest of the world?

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Un Nuevo Modelo de Urinario Sin Agua / A New Model of Waterless Urinal

(Scroll down for English.)

Necesitamos orinar mucho más de lo que hacemos popó (en especial cuando estamos en planteles educativos y lugares de trabajo), entonces es clave en el EcoSan armar Urinarios Sin Agua que sean eficaces, libres de olores y económicos. Ahora quisiera compartir con ustedes un modelo que recién inventé, que es de casi puro material reciclado, aparte de un embudo de 2 dólares.

(1) Calienta en el fuego un extremo de una manguera negra de polietileno de media pulgada e inserta el pico del embudo (de 18 cm de diámetro). Se conectan firmemente, sin necesidad de pegamento. 
(2) Con una sierra, corta el otro extremo, en sesgo, a una longitud que alcance el fondo de la caneca.
(3) Con un cuchillo, corta un tapón para la caneca de una vieja sandalia tipo 'croc', en la parte gruesa cerca del talón, incluyendo unos centímetros de la parte que abraza el pie. Asegura que sea suficientemente grande para que entre apretado, al empujar un borde debajo del labio de la caneca.

(4) Con una navaja, corta un hueco en forma de rombo (de unos 1.5 cm), al lado de la parte que abraza el pie. Coloca la manguera en este hueco.
(5) Corta un cuadrado (de 4 cm) de la parte plana de una botella desechable de plástico tipo PET. Enróllalo para formar un tubo (7 mm de diámetro) e introdúzcalo en un hueco que se hace en el tapón con un gran clavo caliente.

(6) Haz un filtro del aire con tierra fértil, de dos botellas PET (de unos 400 ml), que la una entra justo en la otra. Llena las botellas cortadas y unidas de 7 cm de tierra, con un material fibroso (como cáscara de arroz) y mallas plásticas en ambos extremos.

(7) Corta un hueco redondo de 7 mm en la tapa de una botella, para poder colocarla encima del tubo de PET, y amarra el otro cuello de botella al filo del embudo.

¿Por qué no apesta?
(1) La manguera va hasta el fondo, por lo tanto los vapores de amoniaco que acumulan en la parte superior de la caneca no pueden salir por el embudo.
(2) Cuando la persona orina, el mismo volumen de aire con malos olores tiene que salir, pero se limpia durante su paso a través de la tierra.

Es fácil para los hombres usar, pero ¿qué pasa con las mujeres? También.
-- Algunas mujeres dicen que pueden orinar fácilmente en este urinario.
-- La mayoría de las mujeres preferirían hacer cuclillas completamente y se preocuparían de los microbios, entonces cada una puede tener su propia recipiente vacía de yogur o helado, orinar allí, verterlo en el urinario, enjuagarlo con agua, botar esa agua en el suelo de jardines o maceteros, colocar su tapa y guardarlo hasta la siguiente urgencia de devolver a la naturaleza.

La orina puede quedar en el urinario el tiempo que quiera, sin malos olores, y luego se le puede usar para fertilizar las plantas. Recuerda a diluirla con 3 o más veces más agua y regarla en el suelo (no en las hojas), en especial si las plantas están todavía delicadas y recién estabilizándose. Si no se ha sembrado el campo todavía, se le puede fertilizar con casi cualquier cantidad de orina y esperar al menos una semana antes de sembrarlo, para permitir a las bacterias asimilar el nitrógeno y así evitar el sobredosis de los cultivos.

Este urinario sencillo y sin agua debería ser aplicado en todas partes donde el agua es escasa, no se quieren sobrepoblaciones de algas en los ríos, las personas que viven aguas abajo no quieren tomar nuestros fármacos o queremos que nuestra agricultura sea más productiva (en otras palabras, en todas partes).

Avísame cómo te va en la construcción del tuyo ... o si desean ayuda.

Noticias de 2018: Ya hemos visto la manera de hacer el filtro de aire con una sola botella, haciendo huecos pequeños en el asiento con un clavo caliente ... y unas mañas para desdoblar las mallas plasticas, incluyendo un alambre o una piola en la mitad de las mallas más cerca de la boca de la botella para poder jalarlo. (Digo "las" porque es bueno poner 2 o más, para mayor fuerza.) Esto permite usar una mayor variedad de botellas (y evita la entrada de cucarachas a poner sus huevos). También, es mejor cortar el tapón de una espuma plástica gruesa (blanca en esta foto).

A New Model of Waterless Urinal

People need to pee a lot more than they need to poop (especially when they are in schools and work places), so it is key in EcoSan to work out Waterless Urinals that are effective, smell-free and economical. Now, I would like to share a model I just worked out that is almost entirely recycled, aside from the $2 funnel.

(1) Heat up in a fire the end of a section of half-inch, black, polyethylene hose and stick the tip of the funnel into it. They will attach firmly to each other, without the need for glue.
(2) With a saw, cut the other end of the hose, at an angle, such that it reaches to the bottom of the jug.
(3) With a knife, cut a plug for the jug from an old, worn-out croc sandal, from near the heel, including a few centimeters of the part that hugs the user's foot. Make sure that it is big enough to fit snugly, with one edge pushed under the lip of the jug.
(4) With a pocket knife, cut a diamond-shaped hole (roughly 1.5 cm on each side) next to the part that hugs the foot. Put the hose through this hole.
(5) Cut a square (4 cm on each side) from a flat section of a PET plastic beverage bottle. Roll it into a tube (7 mm diameter) and stick it through a hole in the plug that you can make with a large, hot nail.
(6) Make an air filter with fertile soil (as shown), from two 400 ml beverage bottles that happen to fit one into the other. Place 7 cm of soil into the joined bottles, with fibrous material (like rice hulls) and plastic mesh at each end.
(7) Cut a 7-mm hole in the bottle cap, so you can place it on the PET tube, and tie the other bottle neck to the edge of the funnel.

Why does it not stink?
(1) The hose goes all the way to the bottom, so the ammonia vapors that accumulate in the top of the jug cannot get out the funnel.
(2) When the user urinates, an equal volume of smelly air comes out, but it is cleaned as it passes through the soil.

Note that we do not use any random soil. Read more in the second part of this interview:

This is easy for men to use, but what about women? They can, too.
-- Some women say that they could easily urinate in this urinal.
-- Most women would like to squat all the way down and would be worried about germs, so each could have her own empty yogurt or ice cream container to pee in, empty it into the urinal, rinse it with water, throw that water in the soil of gardens or flower pots, put the lid back on the container, and save it until the next urge to give back to Nature.

Urine can sit in this urinal as long as one likes, with no smell issues, and then be taken to fertilize your plants. Remember to dilute the urine with 3 or more times as much water, and to spread it on the soil (not the leaves), especially if the plants are delicate and are just getting established. If the field has not been planted yet, it can receive nearly all the urine you like to give it, and then wait a week before planting, to let the bacteria assimilate the nitrogen and avoid overdosing your crops.

This simple, Waterless Urinal should be used everywhere that water is scarce, algae blooms in the river are not desired, the people downstream do not want to randomly drink our pharmaceuticals, or we want our agriculture to be more productive (in other words everywhere).

Let me know how things go building yours ... and if you need any help.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

The Dry Toilet as a Weapon to Fight Global Climate Disruption / El Inodoro Seco como Arma contra la Alteración Mundial del Clima

Painting by Jeff Vivant 

(Scroll down for English)

Cada vez más, estamos dándonos cuenta que el clima del mundo está dañándose. No llueve ni cuándo, ni dónde, ni cómo debería ... y es todo debido a lo que la especie humana ha hecho, quemando petróleo, quemando bosques, pastando vacas y defecando en el agua.

Puede que no se haya pensado en el último punto, pero es mayor de lo que tal vez piensa.
Los Inodoros Ecológicos Secos con Separación de la Orina (, tienen mucho que ofrecer:
  1. Si mezclamos todo en el agua, se fermenta en la ausencia de oxígeno y produce grandes cantidades de Metano (Gas del Efecto Invernadero #2).
  2. La orina va tan directamente como sea posible al suelo como fertilizante, así manteniendo las heces más secas y también se las cubre con un material seco y absorbente, como tierra o cenizas de leña. Algo de CO2 es emitido al descomponerse, pero las plantas fertilizadas absorbirán más.
  3. El consumo de agua de reduce enormemente y ésta tiene casi siempre petróleo o electricidad invertidad en su bombeo y tratamiento.
  4. Se reduce la necesidad de fertilizantes químicos, los cuales son responsables por la emisión de Óxido Nitroso (Gas del Efecto Invernadero #3) en su producción y aplicación. (Y, por supuesto, tenemos que comenzar a olvidarnos de los fertilizantes químicos, ya que son recursos no renovables.)
  5. Secuestramos carbono al suelo, mejorando su capacidad de sostener el agua.
  6. Menos cemento tendría que invertirse en la construcción de los alcantarrillados.
Es claro que la escasés de agua se intensificará con la Alteración Mundial del Clima y la transmisión de enfermedades se volverá menos predecible ( Entonces, es más razón de resolver nuestros problemas productivamente nosotros mismos, en lugar de botarlos en la atmósfera global.

Hay más información en las otras entradas en este blog.

The Dry Toilet as a Weapon to Fight
Global Climate Disruption

We are all becoming more and more aware that our world's climate is getting messed up. It is not raining when, where and how it should ... and it is all due to what the human species has done, burning petroleum, burning forests, grazing cattle, and defecating in the water. 

You may not have known about that last one, but it is a bigger factor than you may think.
Urine-diverting Dry Toilets (, have much to offer:

  1. If we mix everything in water, it ferments in the absence of oxygen and produces large amounts of Methane (Greenhouse Gas #2).
  2. The urine goes as straight as possible to the soil as fertilizer, thus keeping the feces drier and these also get covered in an absorbant dry material, like soil or wood ash. Some CO2 is produced as they decompose, but the plants that are fertilized absorb more CO2.
  3. Water consumption is greatly reduced and this almost always has petroleum or electricity invested in its pumping and treatment.
  4. The need for chemical fertilizers is greatly reduced, and these are responsable for emitting Nitrous Oxide (Greenhouse Gas #3) in their production and use. (And, of course, we have to start forgetting about chemical fertilizers, as they are all non-renewable resources.)
  5. We sequester carbon into the soil, improving its water-holding capacity.
  6.  Less cement would be needed to build to build sewers.
It is clear that water scarcity will intensify with Global Climate Disruption and the spread of disease will become more unpredictable ( So this is all the more reason to resolve our own problems productively on our own, instead of dumping them into the global atmosphere.

There is more info on this in other posts on this blog. 

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

A Free Minimalist UDDT (part 1)

A Free Minimalist Urine-diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) for the Unhoused, Poor or Disaster-stricken
(This was first graciously published at
after they had asked me about simple options for homeless people.) 
(Para español, vea:

Shifting from wasteful, expensive, contaminating, water-based toilets to decentralized, environmentally friendly, dry toilets should be more a matter of paradigm shift than capital investment. This is especially true for those who have little money, are potentially living on the street, or are in the upheaval of an emergency.

The key things that a UDDT needs to do are: (1) jail up the potentially dangerous feces that may transmit many terrible diseases (including diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and intestinal worm eggs) long enough for these to die and (2) set the urine free on the soil, where it is excellent fertilizer for the plants and transmits no disease. This separation also greatly reduces the potential for stench and keeps the volume of dangerous material small and manageable.

The following minimalist toilet is entirely functional and is made with just a few readily available materials that can be rescued from the garbage:
  • Two 4-liter plastic bottles, like those used to sell bleach.
  • 50 centimeters of tape.
  • 2 meters of string.
  • Four sticks, 25 centimeters long (or a box the right size).
  • Some normal, woven, polypropylene sacks, like those used to sell 100 pounds of flour, rice, or whatever. Biodegradable, jute bags (like coffee sacks) can also be used and even have an advantage (see #7, below).
  • A small sheet of plastic.
(1)   Make a portable, ecological urinal from the two bottles, cutting one diagonally (as shown) and joining them together mouth-to-mouth with tape and then firmly with string. This is a very useful item, even if one has a more up-scale outhouse, as it can be used for peeing next to bed in the middle of the night, without having to go out into the dark among snakes, insects, rapists or other creatures. It can also be used during the day wherever there is enough privacy.
While standing with urine in it, this urinal emits very little smell, since the mouths of the bottles are small and the top bottle blocks the movement of air across these mouths. Each day, it gets rinsed with water to avoid smell developing with the fermentation of the urine.

This costless urinal is very practical for collecting urine, diluting it with at least three times as much graywater, and pouring this excellent fertilizer on the soil among one’s crop plants … or among the ornamental plants in the city park to help them flower more beautifully. One could also dump the urine into a sewer drain, but that would waste the nutrients, increase public spending on wastewater treatment, and contribute to the formation of anoxic dead zones in rivers and oceans.

(2)   Push the four sticks into the ground, to a height of about 12 centimeters. If one prefers (or especially if the floor is cement and you cannot poke sticks into the ground), a cardboard, wooden or plastic box the right size could be used instead of the sticks.

(3)   Roll down the edge of the sack and place it over the sticks. Put in a cup of dry soil where the first deposit will fall. If you like, a layer of dry leaves can be placed in the bottom of the sack first.
(4)   Put your heels against the sack, squat down, hold the urinal inclined in front of you, and release your load of nutrients. The feces will fall neatly into the sack, while the urine flows neatly into the urinal. Then, stand up the urinal until the next convenient opportunity to spread it on the soil. Place the paper, leaves, corn cobs or whatever was used for wiping together with the feces. (Arrange for privacy however you like, maybe with palm fronds stuck in the ground.)

(5)   Put a cup of dry soil on top of the feces to cover them, control the smell, keep flies from laying their eggs, and inoculate them with beneficial decomposer soil microbes. Keep a stick in the sack to accommodate the feces and paper, facilitate them being covered adequately by the soil, and fill the space in an orderly way (always grabbing the non-sh*tty end of the stick). One of the best soils for this consists of the decomposed feces from a previous cycle, as seen here, with some sawdust mixed in if it is too compact.

(6)   When not in use, cover the whole thing tightly with a sheet of plastic to keep rain, flies and curious eyes out.

(7)   When full (to a height of nearly the 12 cm), or when the users are moving on, tie the sack shut with a tag that says something like, “Open this package of rich organic soil only after XX/X/20XX (say a year from now) when it is safe to use in agriculture” and hide it somewhere protected against the rain and sun, like under a bridge. Another option would be to bury the sack, preferably in dry, well aerated soil (potentially under that same bridge). These sacks could also be stacked on a layer of rocks or sticks and covered with a sheet of plastic to protect them from the rain (maybe under a tree to protect the plastic from the sun).

The feces should dry and decompose for at least 6 months in the Tropics or a year in Temperate Countries (longer if buried in the soil), so that the pathogens die and it is no longer dangerous.
If the users are there long enough, or come back, they can use this new soil themselves in agriculture, or recycle it as an excellent cover material for new feces in the UDDT once again. More fecophobic people might want to only put it in the bottoms of holes for planting trees, which is also a great use.
The advantage of using biodegradable, jute sacks is that one can just throw the recently filled sack in the bottom of a hole, plant a tree on top of it, and forget about it (until you wonder why the tree is growing so fast and with such luscious fruits).

(Continue reading for a discussion of this system here.)